+7 (981) 836-93-66
Saint Petersburg, Narvskii 24
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When your relatives cannot be of help with looking after your child for some reason, the best solution is to call a baby-sitter!

The baby-sitter must have the same qualities as any mother does. She is in charge of your child’s all-round development while ensuring emotional comfort and warm atmosphere.

Our company can offer a wide range of baby-sitters in breakdown by age, purpose (for the period of the child’s illness, for the summer period), etc. Besides, we always keep your specific requirements in mind.

To save your time please call us at: +7 (812) 644-52-27

65 лет
Среднее специальное

Services offered:

  • Constant visual control of the child;
  • Change of clothes;
  • Hygiene;
  • Cooking, feeding, washing up;
  • Daily regimen;
  • Walks;
  • Keeping the room clean and tidy, wet cleaning during the child’s sleep (if needed);
  • Reading, developing games and activities in line with the child’s age.

  • Наверх

    Яндекс.Метрика Рейтинг@Mail.ru