+7 (981) 836-93-66
Saint Petersburg, Narvskii 24
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The governess profession is a special one. It requires a high degree of responsibility as the governess takes care of and helps your child develop. That is why we select candidates very thoroughly.

Noteworthy, the governess is primarily a home teacher but not a housemaid.

To save your time please call us at: +7 (812) 644-52-27

59 лет
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57 лет

Services offered:

  • control of the child’s educational performance;
  • learning games;
  • familiarizing the child with current social events;
  • developing of studying motivation;
  • help with home assignments;
  • eloquence and the three Rs ;
  • cultural visits to museums, exhibitions, etc.
  • day regimen;
  • cooking;
  • control of physical development.

  • Наверх

    Яндекс.Метрика Рейтинг@Mail.ru